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White Paper

Building an Open vRAN Ecosystem -Accelerating deployments with a replicable reference architecture-

  • Abstract

    Replicating a reference architecture is an excellent way for CSPs to deploy Open vRAN and enable faster evolution of their networks to accommodate surging traffic growth with the flexibility, efficiency and intelligence demanded in the real 5G world. This whitepaper provides potential options of proven deployment models jointly developed by our industry-leading partners. 

Open & Virtualized -The Future of Radio Access Network-

  • Abstract

    CSPs confront numerous challenges in order to prepare for the “real 5G world” where uRLLC and mMTC become a reality. To address these challenges, we believe the disruptive and powerful technology of Open vRAN has a strong potential to transform the way CSPs deploy and monetize 5G. This whitepaper gives you insights on how NEC can bring this into practicality. 

NEC 5G Vertical Business Platform

  • Abstract

    CSPs will undeniably become an essential contributor to the social infrastructure in the 5G world. NEC 5G Vertical Business Platform has been designed as an universal platform to enable CSPs to continuously add new applications and services for industry verticals creating new revenue streams.

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